Q health, from Q doctor, is a market leading video consultation platform in use across Primary care, Secondary care, Urgent care, Community, Ambulance Services and Mental Health trusts nationwide. It now includes instant video, with no app download required, and is integrated with eConsult, the largest triage provider to the NHS.

Some accolades we're proud of:

Approved Covid-19 response supplier, centrally funded for Primary Care

⭐ Partnered with eConsult to combine products and deliver Total Triage for >3,000 practices

⭐ First video provider approved by NHS Digital for a 111 setting (now supporting this nationwide)

⭐ Subsequently [commissioned STP-wide](http://www.thehtn.co.uk/2019/04/09/lincolnshire-community-health-services-nhs-trust-partners-with-q-doctor/#:~:text=Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS,services across the county%2C virtually.) following first 111/CAS pilot work

⭐ Supporting the largest Urgent Care providers nationwide, including Covid-19 centres

⭐ CQC regulated - maintaining clinical excellence as a software and locum service provider

⭐ Being used by MPs for local constituency surgeries during Covid-19

Having provided video consultations to the NHS for the last few years, scaling up the solution as the NHS has digitised, Q health is now an at-scale video platform with a design that has been tailor made for the organisational setup of the NHS.

💡 How do I get started? 💡

💻 Use eConsult?

Download their toolbar, which will allow you login right away to Q health via NHSmail and get going immediately, free of charge.

💻 Don't use eConsult?