September 2020

How do I procure Q health (from Q doctor)?

Centrally Funded:

Through the GP IT Futures framework, primary care organisations in the NHS can begin using Q health immediately without charge. This is because Q doctor have been approved by NHS Digital as a video consultation supplier for Covid-19:

What is the price after 31st March 2021?

The price of Q health to Primary Care organisations beyond March 2021 will be 10p/patient/year.

What about for outside of Primary Care?

While expansion of central funding via GP IT Futures (under Digital Care Services) to a much wider part of the NHS is in discussion centrally, at the moment non-primary care organisations need to purchase Q health directly. This can be done on another framework (we are on the Dynamic Purchasing System as well as G Cloud 12) or by getting in touch directly ([email protected]).

💡 How do I get started? 💡

💻 Use eConsult?

Download their toolbar, which will allow you login right away to Q health via NHSmail and get going immediately.